$128K On The Line
606 points available
21 Qualified Rides
PlcPlace Rider Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 AggAggregate Aggregate Points Total Points Earnings
1 Cassio DiasCassio Dias (6.26) 84.50 87.00 90.50 262.00 100 165
2 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza 82.75 (3.22) 81.50 88.75 253.00 63 109
3 Brady FielderBrady Fielder (5.95) (4.33) 84.00 89.00 173.00 45 79
4 Marco RizzoMarco Rizzo 85.50 (4.67) 87.00 (2.37) 172.50 27 64
5 Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (2.03) 88.25 (1.85) (3.96) 88.25 23 51
6 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (3.48) 88.00 (7.91) - 88.00 18 36
7 Sage Steele KimzeySage Steele Kimzey (2.36) 87.75 (2.04) (3.07) 87.75 12 29
8 JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale 87.50 (3.32) (6.31) (3.83) 87.50 8 36
9 Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (4.98) (1.54) 87.00 (2.58) 87.00 5 26
10 Conner HalversonConner Halverson 86.50 (3.79) (2.60) - 86.50 3 21
11 Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake 86.25 (3.60) (2.67) (2.28) 86.25 2 19
12 Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (1.38) 85.75 (2.90) - 85.75 0 16
13 Brady OlesonBrady Oleson 85.00 (2.18) (2.53) (7.16) 85.00 0 15
14 Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (2.51) 83.50 (3.40) (1.85) 83.50 0 14
15 Bob MitchellBob Mitchell 80.25 (4.72) - - 80.25 0 13
- John CrimberJohn Crimber (3.69) (5.24) (1.94) - 0.00 0 0
- Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (3.22) (3.18) - - 0.00 0 0
- Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido (5.61) (2.56) (3.24) - 0.00 0 0
- Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (4.88) (2.94) (3.16) - 0.00 0 0
- Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (2.14) (2.53) (3.79) - 0.00 0 0
- Cody JesusCody Jesus (1.66) (1.16) (5.26) - 0.00 0 0
- Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse (1.88) - - - 0.00 0 0
- Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (4.47) (2.75) (5.13) - 0.00 0 0
- Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen - (3.06) (7.53) - 0.00 0 0
- Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (3.50) (7.49) (2.50) - 0.00 0 0
- Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (2.22) (1.83) (3.03) - 0.00 0 0
- Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (2.26) (6.69) (4.69) - 0.00 0 0
- Jesse PetriJesse Petri (4.30) (6.14) (1.09) - 0.00 0 0
- Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (4.06) (4.04) (7.18) - 0.00 0 0
- Luciano De CastroLuciano De Castro (1.69) (2.00) (4.34) - 0.00 0 0
- Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (1.97) (3.06) (2.01) - 0.00 0 0
- Callum MillerCallum Miller (2.17) (2.26) (3.93) - 0.00 0 0
- Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder (2.18) (2.98) - - 0.00 0 0
- Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (2.46) (6.72) - - 0.00 0 0
- Kyler OliverKyler Oliver (1.35) (2.36) (5.01) - 0.00 0 0
- Flavio ZivieriFlavio Zivieri (1.41) (5.23) - - 0.00 0 0
- Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (1.89) (2.29) - - 0.00 0 0
- Alvaro ArielAlvaro Ariel (2.47) (7.35) - - 0.00 0 0
- José de CastroJosé de Castro (2.84) (2.29) - - 0.00 0 0
Round PlcPlace Rider Score/(BOT) Bull Bull Score Contractor Earnings
eventRound-1 1 JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale 87.50 Snap ChatterSnap Chatter 42.50 FDZ
eventRound-1 2 Conner HalversonConner Halverson 86.50 BaldyBaldy 42.25 TJHP
eventRound-1 3 Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake 86.25 Strong ArmStrong Arm 42.75 GJC
eventRound-1 4 Marco RizzoMarco Rizzo 85.50 Lost Pearl Lost Pearl 41.50 IT
eventRound-1 5 Brady OlesonBrady Oleson 85.00 Gangster TimeGangster Time 41.50 VCJ
eventRound-1 6 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza 82.75 Red ScorpionRed Scorpion 40.25 LGO
eventRound-1 7 Bob MitchellBob Mitchell 80.25 Hang 'em HighHang 'em High 40.50 SDOS
eventRound-1 - Cassio DiasCassio Dias (6.26) Miller TimeMiller Time 41.50 AEBS
eventRound-1 - John CrimberJohn Crimber (3.69) Bruised EgoBruised Ego 41.75 GOBC
eventRound-1 - Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (3.22) HunterHunter 42.75 ITZ
eventRound-1 - Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido (5.61) John 14:6John 14:6 43.00 LJ2
eventRound-1 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (4.88) Flyin' WiredFlyin' Wired 43.25 BNSJ
eventRound-1 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (2.14) Black IceBlack Ice 41.00 LJBM
eventRound-1 - Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (3.48) NefariousNefarious 42.75 VID4
eventRound-1 - Brady FielderBrady Fielder (5.95) Sky's The LimitSky's The Limit 42.00 GJC
eventRound-1 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (1.66) BadlandsBadlands 43.00 DSC
eventRound-1 - Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (4.98) Doze You DownDoze You Down 43.00 ITZ
eventRound-1 - Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse (1.88) Pick Up ManPick Up Man 42.25 UPR2
eventRound-1 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (4.47) Bo ManBo Man 41.75 HCM
eventRound-1 - Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (2.51) Fire ZoneFire Zone 42.50 IT
eventRound-1 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (3.50) Hunting TripHunting Trip 39.25 ITZ
eventRound-1 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (2.22) Do Dat EddieDo Dat Eddie 43.50 UPR2
eventRound-1 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (1.38) Punchy PetePunchy Pete 39.75 GOBC
eventRound-1 - Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (2.26) Full ThrottleFull Throttle 40.75 VCJ
eventRound-1 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (4.30) FlapjackFlapjack 43.25 HPOK
eventRound-1 - Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (4.06) HaymakerHaymaker 41.75 NTDR
eventRound-1 - Luciano De CastroLuciano De Castro (1.69) Coal TrainCoal Train 34.50 UPR2
eventRound-1 - Sage Steele KimzeySage Steele Kimzey (2.36) Sweet TrainSweet Train 42.75 HPGC
eventRound-1 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (1.97) Magic MovesMagic Moves 43.50 ITM1
eventRound-1 - Callum MillerCallum Miller (2.17) MahanMahan 43.75 GJC
eventRound-1 - Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder (2.18) Mike's MagicMike's Magic 44.00 5BS
eventRound-1 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (2.46) Blown AwayBlown Away 42.00 NBT3
eventRound-1 - Kyler OliverKyler Oliver (1.35) ManabaManaba 41.50 HWJ
eventRound-1 - Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (2.03) Norse GodNorse God 40.50 GJC
eventRound-1 - Flavio ZivieriFlavio Zivieri (1.41) Hell RightHell Right 44.00 HPMB
eventRound-1 - Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (1.89) Smooth Criminal Smooth Criminal 41.75 DLM
eventRound-1 - Alvaro ArielAlvaro Ariel (2.47) American YouAmerican You 42.50 UPR2
eventRound-1 - José de CastroJosé de Castro (2.84) Whiskey TripWhiskey Trip 42.50 LGO
eventRound-2 1 Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers 88.25 Watch OutWatch Out 42.75 NBTD
eventRound-2 2 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 88.00 Cookies & CreamCookies & Cream 42.75 NXN
eventRound-2 3 Sage Steele KimzeySage Steele Kimzey 87.75 Blue Suede ShoesBlue Suede Shoes 42.50 DLM
eventRound-2 4 Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira 85.75 Ninja CowboyNinja Cowboy 41.75 UPR2
eventRound-2 5 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 84.50 Medicine RedMedicine Red 41.25 HPWG
eventRound-2 6 Cort McFaddenCort McFadden 83.50 West CoastWest Coast 41.25 DHK
eventRound-2 - John CrimberJohn Crimber (5.24) High ClassHigh Class 42.25 EMF
eventRound-2 - Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (3.18) Mr. NightlingerMr. Nightlinger 42.50 DLM
eventRound-2 - Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido (2.56) Total AirTotal Air 42.75 PHS
eventRound-2 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (2.94) ShiversShivers 43.25 FHP
eventRound-2 - Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza (3.22) God Bless God Bless 42.25 STK
eventRound-2 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (2.53) Fort KnoxFort Knox 41.25 DHT
eventRound-2 - Brady FielderBrady Fielder (4.33) Full ThrottleFull Throttle 41.00 VCJ
eventRound-2 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (1.16) DiabolicalDiabolical 42.00 STK
eventRound-2 - Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (1.54) RorschachRorschach 42.25 UPR2
eventRound-2 - Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse - BugattiBugatti FLS6
eventRound-2 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (2.75) Grey FoxGrey Fox 42.50 UPR2
eventRound-2 - Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (3.06) BlazerBlazer 42.25 UPR2
eventRound-2 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (7.49) Buffalo HeiferBuffalo Heifer 42.00 STK
eventRound-2 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (1.83) House FireHouse Fire 39.75 EMF
eventRound-2 - Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (3.60) Stone Cold GangsterStone Cold Gangster 41.00 UPR2
eventRound-2 - Bob MitchellBob Mitchell (4.72) Burning ManBurning Man 41.50 NXN
eventRound-2 - Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (6.69) Ice ManIce Man 40.25 DLM
eventRound-2 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (6.14) Shot CollarShot Collar 42.00 LJJ
eventRound-2 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (3.79) LapuaLapua 42.75 PHD
eventRound-2 - Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (4.04) Let's RollLet's Roll 42.00 SBNS
eventRound-2 - Luciano De CastroLuciano De Castro (2.00) LevyLevy 41.50 EMF
eventRound-2 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (3.06) MesquiteMesquite 41.50 BIE
eventRound-2 - Callum MillerCallum Miller (2.26) BugattiBugatti 43.00 PHL
eventRound-2 - Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder (2.98) Po DunkPo Dunk 38.50 VID
eventRound-2 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (6.72) Magic TouchMagic Touch 42.25 PHBS
eventRound-2 - Marco RizzoMarco Rizzo (4.67) BadgerBadger 41.25 PHD
eventRound-2 - Kyler OliverKyler Oliver (2.36) Desert TwisterDesert Twister 42.50 LJBN
eventRound-2 - Brady OlesonBrady Oleson (2.18) Mama's BoyMama's Boy 41.25 UPR2
eventRound-2 - JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (3.32) GauchoGaucho 43.00 DLM
eventRound-2 - Flavio ZivieriFlavio Zivieri (5.23) Down PaymentDown Payment 42.75 WEBZ
eventRound-2 - Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (2.29) Flint StoneFlint Stone 42.25 FHP
eventRound-2 - Alvaro ArielAlvaro Ariel (7.35) BuzzBuzz 39.50 EMF
eventRound-2 - José de CastroJosé de Castro (2.29) Reinstate HankReinstate Hank 41.50 PHB
eventRound-3 1/3 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 87.00 Blown AwayBlown Away 42.25 NBT3
eventRound-3 1/3 Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado 87.00 ShiversShivers 42.50 FHP
eventRound-3 1/3 Marco RizzoMarco Rizzo 87.00 American YouAmerican You 42.75 UPR2
eventRound-3 4 Brady FielderBrady Fielder 84.00 GauchoGaucho 40.75 DLM
eventRound-3 5 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza 81.50 BadlandsBadlands 39.75 DSC
eventRound-3 - John CrimberJohn Crimber (1.94) Sweet TrainSweet Train 44.50 HPGC
eventRound-3 - Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido (3.24) Norse GodNorse God 42.50 GJC
eventRound-3 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (3.16) Do Dat EddieDo Dat Eddie 42.25 UPR2
eventRound-3 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (3.79) FlapjackFlapjack 43.75 HPOK
eventRound-3 - Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (7.91) Cooter BrownCooter Brown 41.75 LMW
eventRound-3 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (5.26) Fire ZoneFire Zone 43.75 IT
eventRound-3 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (5.13) Hang 'em HighHang 'em High 42.00 SDOS
eventRound-3 - Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (7.53) Black IceBlack Ice 42.50 LJBM
eventRound-3 - Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (3.40) Bruised EgoBruised Ego 43.00 GOBC
eventRound-3 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (2.50) Punchy PetePunchy Pete 43.25 GOBC
eventRound-3 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (3.03) Flint StoneFlint Stone 40.00 FHP
eventRound-3 - Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (2.67) Blue Suede ShoesBlue Suede Shoes 42.25 DLM
eventRound-3 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (2.90) Whiskey TripWhiskey Trip 42.25 LGO
eventRound-3 - Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (4.69) DiabolicalDiabolical 41.25 STK
eventRound-3 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (1.09) Magic MovesMagic Moves 44.75 ITM1
eventRound-3 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (2.60) Strong ArmStrong Arm 42.50 GJC
eventRound-3 - Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (7.18) MahanMahan 42.75 GJC
eventRound-3 - Luciano De CastroLuciano De Castro (4.34) John 14:6John 14:6 42.25 LJ2
eventRound-3 - Sage Steele KimzeySage Steele Kimzey (2.04) Sky's The LimitSky's The Limit 38.50 GJC
eventRound-3 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (2.01) HaymakerHaymaker 41.50 NTDR
eventRound-3 - Callum MillerCallum Miller (3.93) Hunting TripHunting Trip 40.50 ITZ
eventRound-3 - Kyler OliverKyler Oliver (5.01) MesquiteMesquite 42.00 BIE
eventRound-3 - Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (1.85) Miller TimeMiller Time 41.00 AEBS
eventRound-3 - Brady OlesonBrady Oleson (2.53) BlazerBlazer 38.00 UPR2
eventRound-3 - JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (6.31) Pick Up ManPick Up Man 42.25 UPR2
eventRound-4 1 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 90.50 Ricky VaughnRicky Vaughn 44.00 WHP
eventRound-4 2 Brady FielderBrady Fielder 89.00 Big BankBig Bank 43.25 UPR2
eventRound-4 3 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza 88.75 Flyin' WiredFlyin' Wired 43.75 BNSJ
eventRound-4 - Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (2.58) NefariousNefarious 43.25 VID4
eventRound-4 - Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (1.85) Snake EyesSnake Eyes 43.25 HP
eventRound-4 - Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (2.28) Cool WhipCool Whip 40.00 HPCW
eventRound-4 - Sage Steele KimzeySage Steele Kimzey (3.07) Red DemonRed Demon 45.00 UPR2
eventRound-4 - Marco RizzoMarco Rizzo (2.37) HunterHunter 43.00 ITZ
eventRound-4 - Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (3.96) Doze You DownDoze You Down 43.50 ITZ
eventRound-4 - Brady OlesonBrady Oleson (7.16) ExodusExodus 42.50 GJC
eventRound-4 - JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (3.83) Hell RightHell Right 44.00 HPMB