$128K On The Line
459 points available
13 Qualified Rides
PlcPlace Rider Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 AggAggregate Aggregate Points Total Points Earnings
1 Guilherme ValleirasGuilherme Valleiras 82.25 76.50 (5.45) 158.75 80 100
2 Rafael Jose de BritoRafael Jose de Brito (6.14) 90.75 (1.90) 90.75 50 79
3 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 88.25 (2.08) (3.88) 88.25 36 64
4 Chase OutlawChase Outlaw (3.55) 88.00 (3.24) 88.00 21 39
5 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 87.50 (7.10) - 87.50 17 35
6/7 Rafael dos SantosRafael dos Santos 87.00 (5.59) (2.11) 87.00 9 26
6/7 Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (3.57) 87.00 (2.99) 87.00 9 26
8 Jesse PetriJesse Petri (1.22) 86.25 - 86.25 5 21
9 Dawson BrantonDawson Branton 85.75 (4.13) (1.79) 85.75 4 20
10 Tate PollmeierTate Pollmeier (5.52) 84.50 (1.51) 84.50 2 17
11 Zane CookZane Cook 81.00 (1.95) (2.33) 81.00 1 15
12 Aaron WilliamsAaron Williams (3.63) 79.75 (2.07) 79.75 0 13
- Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (1.47) - - 0.00 0 0
- Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (4.04) (1.98) - 0.00 0 0
- Cooper DavisCooper Davis (2.25) - - 0.00 0 0
- Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (2.05) (6.00) - 0.00 0 0
- Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (5.73) (1.44) - 0.00 0 0
- João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira (4.18) (5.72) - 0.00 0 0
- Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (3.11) (4.62) - 0.00 0 0
- Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva (5.86) (3.48) - 0.00 0 0
- Colten FritzlanColten Fritzlan (1.67) (2.47) - 0.00 0 0
- Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder (2.00) - - 0.00 0 0
- Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (4.57) (2.53) - 0.00 0 0
- Derek KolbabaDerek Kolbaba (2.77) - - 0.00 0 0
- Manoelito de Souza JuniorManoelito de Souza Junior (2.51) (2.63) - 0.00 0 0
- Braidy RandolphBraidy Randolph (1.53) (5.56) - 0.00 0 0
- Ramon de LimaRamon de Lima (2.56) (4.24) - 0.00 0 0
- Marcus MastMarcus Mast (3.35) (4.28) - 0.00 0 0
- Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (2.75) (1.92) - 0.00 0 0
- Flavio ZivieriFlavio Zivieri (3.50) - - 0.00 0 0
- Nick TetzNick Tetz (1.93) (4.40) - 0.00 0 0
- Dakota LouisDakota Louis (1.64) - - 0.00 0 0
- Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (2.95) - - 0.00 0 0
- Chase DoughertyChase Dougherty (7.97) (7.08) - 0.00 0 0
- Adriano SalgadoAdriano Salgado (4.61) - - 0.00 0 0
- Conner HalversonConner Halverson (3.76) (7.76) - 0.00 0 0
- Griffin SmeltzerGriffin Smeltzer (3.93) - - 0.00 0 0
- Afonso QuintinoAfonso Quintino (0.63) - - 0.00 0 0
- Josh FrostJosh Frost (5.93) (6.71) - 0.00 0 0
- Cassio DiasCassio Dias (2.48) (2.08) - 0.00 0 0
- Matt TriplettMatt Triplett (4.15) - - 0.00 0 0
- Elizmar JeremiasElizmar Jeremias (3.28) - - 0.00 0 0
- Claudio Montanha Jr.Claudio Montanha Jr. (4.92) (4.76) - 0.00 0 0
- Casey CoulterCasey Coulter (1.76) - - 0.00 0 0
- Trace BrownTrace Brown - - - 0.00 0 0
- Dustin MartinezDustin Martinez (7.57) - - 0.00 0 0
- Dakota EagleburgerDakota Eagleburger (3.78) (6.65) - 0.00 0 0
- Mason MoodyMason Moody (4.00) (3.02) - 0.00 0 0
- Cody McCandlessCody McCandless (3.94) - - 0.00 0 0
- Brandon ChambersBrandon Chambers (4.14) - - 0.00 0 0
- Carlos GarciaCarlos Garcia (2.16) - - 0.00 0 0
- Kyle JonesKyle Jones (1.73) - - 0.00 0 0
- Trent NugentTrent Nugent (2.76) - - 0.00 0 0
- Cody HooksCody Hooks (2.87) - - 0.00 0 0
- Garrett JonesGarrett Jones (2.04) - - 0.00 0 0
- Brady TurgeonBrady Turgeon (3.52) - - 0.00 0 0
- Ray MayoRay Mayo (2.71) (3.39) - 0.00 0 0
- Brandon McDowellBrandon McDowell (4.86) - - 0.00 0 0
- Alvaro ArielAlvaro Ariel (6.46) - - 0.00 0 0
Round PlcPlace Rider Score/(BOT) Bull Bull Score Contractor Earnings
eventRound-1 1 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 88.25 Soul KingSoul King 43.00 BGCN
eventRound-1 2 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 87.50 Hard CandyHard Candy 42.25 BRUN
eventRound-1 3 Rafael dos SantosRafael dos Santos 87.00 Show-OffShow-Off 42.25 TR
eventRound-1 4 Dawson BrantonDawson Branton 85.75 Battered & BruisedBattered & Bruised 41.75 TR
eventRound-1 5 Guilherme ValleirasGuilherme Valleiras 82.25 Jail BirdJail Bird 41.50 SHBB
eventRound-1 6 Zane CookZane Cook 81.00 Rooster CogburnRooster Cogburn 39.75 MRFE
eventRound-1 - Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (1.47) Mighty MikeMighty Mike 44.00 BRUN
eventRound-1 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (4.04) Feeds Red RiverFeeds Red River 42.50 TR
eventRound-1 - Cooper DavisCooper Davis (2.25) ShamelessShameless 44.25 S7H
eventRound-1 - Rafael Jose de BritoRafael Jose de Brito (6.14) Ngata ChanceNgata Chance 41.75 VIDW
eventRound-1 - Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (2.05) Mississippi MadnessMississippi Madness 38.75 BSCB
eventRound-1 - Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (5.73) Hard RockHard Rock 42.50 BRUN
eventRound-1 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (1.22) FlapjackFlapjack 45.00 HPOK
eventRound-1 - João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira (4.18) Tested's ViperTested's Viper 42.50 HWLF
eventRound-1 - Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (3.11) Slim ShadySlim Shady 42.75 HCH
eventRound-1 - Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva (5.86) DirtyBruDirtyBru 43.25 HPGC
eventRound-1 - Colten FritzlanColten Fritzlan (1.67) God Bless God Bless 42.25 STK
eventRound-1 - Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder (2.00) Whiskey GlassesWhiskey Glasses 44.00 HP
eventRound-1 - Tate PollmeierTate Pollmeier (5.52) KodiacKodiac 41.50 FLSK
eventRound-1 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (4.57) Trump TrainTrump Train 43.25 HHHB
eventRound-1 - Derek KolbabaDerek Kolbaba (2.77) Knockin BootsKnockin Boots 42.50 RGBH
eventRound-1 - Manoelito de Souza JuniorManoelito de Souza Junior (2.51) Body CountBody Count 41.00 BJAC
eventRound-1 - Braidy RandolphBraidy Randolph (1.53) Party FoulParty Foul 41.75 HP
eventRound-1 - Ramon de LimaRamon de Lima (2.56) Shew BubbyShew Bubby 43.00 SHBB
eventRound-1 - Marcus MastMarcus Mast (3.35) Pork ChopPork Chop 41.50 RLGB
eventRound-1 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (2.75) Hunting TripHunting Trip 44.75 ITZ
eventRound-1 - Flavio ZivieriFlavio Zivieri (3.50) H&H YellowstoneH&H Yellowstone 42.00 HHHB
eventRound-1 - Chase OutlawChase Outlaw (3.55) Cuttin TorchCuttin Torch 43.00 DHCF
eventRound-1 - Nick TetzNick Tetz (1.93) Black JackBlack Jack 43.50 FHP
eventRound-1 - Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (3.57) SkippySkippy 43.75 LWSL
eventRound-1 - Dakota LouisDakota Louis (1.64) Ridin' SaltyRidin' Salty 42.75 RDD4
eventRound-1 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (2.95) Mike's MagicMike's Magic 44.25 5BS
eventRound-1 - Chase DoughertyChase Dougherty (7.97) SweetnessSweetness 40.50 KBGW
eventRound-1 - Adriano SalgadoAdriano Salgado (4.61) Curbside Pick UpCurbside Pick Up 36.75 WOL
eventRound-1 - Aaron WilliamsAaron Williams (3.63) Sky WalkerSky Walker 43.50 MRY
eventRound-1 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (3.76) Blood MoonBlood Moon 42.75 MRFE
eventRound-1 - Griffin SmeltzerGriffin Smeltzer (3.93) BLACKTOOTHBLACKTOOTH 38.00 RSRO
eventRound-1 - Afonso QuintinoAfonso Quintino (0.63) Erik The RedErik The Red 40.25 TJH2
eventRound-1 - Josh FrostJosh Frost (5.93) RavenRaven 43.75 MRFL
eventRound-1 - Cassio DiasCassio Dias (2.48) Mr. Right NowMr. Right Now 44.75 S7H
eventRound-1 - Matt TriplettMatt Triplett (4.15) Down PaymentDown Payment 39.50 WEBZ
eventRound-1 - Elizmar JeremiasElizmar Jeremias (3.28) FroggyFroggy 42.75 KBGW
eventRound-1 - Claudio Montanha Jr.Claudio Montanha Jr. (4.92) Gangster TimeGangster Time 42.75 VCJ
eventRound-1 - Casey CoulterCasey Coulter (1.76) G-UnitG-Unit 42.25 IT
eventRound-1 - Trace BrownTrace Brown - Border CrisisBorder Crisis JWH2
eventRound-1 - Dustin MartinezDustin Martinez (7.57) Lonesome FugitiveLonesome Fugitive 41.75 BIE
eventRound-1 - Dakota EagleburgerDakota Eagleburger (3.78) Ricky VaughnRicky Vaughn 44.00 HPP
eventRound-1 - Mason MoodyMason Moody (4.00) Hundred Bad DaysHundred Bad Days 43.75 TJW
eventRound-1 - Cody McCandlessCody McCandless (3.94) Big ChewBig Chew 42.25 HBGW
eventRound-1 - Brandon ChambersBrandon Chambers (4.14) BootleggerBootlegger 42.75 EMF
eventRound-1 - Carlos GarciaCarlos Garcia (2.16) FastfireFastfire 42.25 GDH
eventRound-1 - Kyle JonesKyle Jones (1.73) Top DollarTop Dollar 43.00 LW2
eventRound-1 - Trent NugentTrent Nugent (2.76) FearfulFearful 44.00 HWLF
eventRound-1 - Cody HooksCody Hooks (2.87) Flyin' WiredFlyin' Wired 45.25 BNSJ
eventRound-1 - Garrett JonesGarrett Jones (2.04) RockvilleRockville 43.00 BS9
eventRound-1 - Brady TurgeonBrady Turgeon (3.52) Stone Cold GangsterStone Cold Gangster 44.00 HWR
eventRound-1 - Ray MayoRay Mayo (2.71) LapuaLapua 43.00 BWH
eventRound-1 - Brandon McDowellBrandon McDowell (4.86) Bread BasketBread Basket 42.75 TJW
eventRound-1 - Alvaro ArielAlvaro Ariel (6.46) Express LaneExpress Lane 42.75 VCJ
eventRound-2 1 Rafael Jose de BritoRafael Jose de Brito 90.75 Mike's MotiveMike's Motive 44.00 BSP8
eventRound-2 2 Chase OutlawChase Outlaw 88.00 Sweet TrainSweet Train 42.75 HPGC
eventRound-2 3 Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers 87.00 Shake & BakeShake & Bake 42.75 BSP7
eventRound-2 4 Jesse PetriJesse Petri 86.25 Lone SurvivorLone Survivor 41.75 BSCB
eventRound-2 5 Tate PollmeierTate Pollmeier 84.50 Sugar Boom BoomSugar Boom Boom 40.75 CBCG
eventRound-2 6 Aaron WilliamsAaron Williams 79.75 RockvilleRockville 42.75 BS9
eventRound-2 7 Guilherme ValleirasGuilherme Valleiras 76.50 Soul Train Soul Train 37.50 SHBB
eventRound-2 - Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (2.08) ExodusExodus 44.75 GO
eventRound-2 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (1.98) HunterHunter 43.25 ITZ
eventRound-2 - Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (6.00) Bandito BugBandito Bug 44.25 BSPC
eventRound-2 - Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (1.44) Black JackBlack Jack 42.00 FHP
eventRound-2 - João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira (5.72) Devil's AdvocateDevil's Advocate 42.00 TILB
eventRound-2 - Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (4.62) Rafter P Construction's Smooth Over ItRafter P Construction's Smooth Over It 42.25 SHBB
eventRound-2 - Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva (3.48) Man HaterMan Hater 44.50 GJC
eventRound-2 - Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido (7.10) Pepé Le PewPepé Le Pew 40.75 HP
eventRound-2 - Colten FritzlanColten Fritzlan (2.47) Hoka HeyHoka Hey 42.75 BSZ
eventRound-2 - Rafael dos SantosRafael dos Santos (5.59) CasperCasper 43.25 GOBC
eventRound-2 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (2.53) Bullet TrainBullet Train 42.50 JWHP
eventRound-2 - Manoelito de Souza JuniorManoelito de Souza Junior (2.63) ShamelessShameless 43.00 S7H
eventRound-2 - Braidy RandolphBraidy Randolph (5.56) I'm Legit TooI'm Legit Too 42.75 JWH2
eventRound-2 - Ramon de LimaRamon de Lima (4.24) Big WaveBig Wave 41.75 HPMO
eventRound-2 - Marcus MastMarcus Mast (4.28) Lil 2 TrainLil 2 Train 43.75 GJC
eventRound-2 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (1.92) The UndertakerThe Undertaker 41.00 CBBR
eventRound-2 - Nick TetzNick Tetz (4.40) RenegadeRenegade 44.50 RDRK
eventRound-2 - Chase DoughertyChase Dougherty (7.08) Big Worm Big Worm 43.00 BCOH
eventRound-2 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (7.76) Tijuana Two-StepTijuana Two-Step 41.25 MRFE
eventRound-2 - Josh FrostJosh Frost (6.71) ChiseledChiseled 42.50 FDHC
eventRound-2 - Cassio DiasCassio Dias (2.08) Mr. NastyMr. Nasty 43.75 BSWC
eventRound-2 - Dawson BrantonDawson Branton (4.13) Pickle MoonshinePickle Moonshine 43.00 SHBB
eventRound-2 - Zane CookZane Cook (1.95) HostageHostage 40.25 JWHW
eventRound-2 - Claudio Montanha Jr.Claudio Montanha Jr. (4.76) Express LaneExpress Lane 42.00 VCJ
eventRound-2 - Dakota EagleburgerDakota Eagleburger (6.65) Detroit LeanDetroit Lean 42.50 BSHW
eventRound-2 - Mason MoodyMason Moody (3.02) Wasted DaysWasted Days 40.75 JWH2
eventRound-2 - Ray MayoRay Mayo (3.39) Moon JuiceMoon Juice 40.50 SHBB
eventRound-3 - Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (3.88) FlapjackFlapjack 45.25 HPOK
eventRound-3 - Rafael Jose de BritoRafael Jose de Brito (1.90) Ricky VaughnRicky Vaughn 44.75 HPP
eventRound-3 - Tate PollmeierTate Pollmeier (1.51) DominoDomino 45.00 HPP
eventRound-3 - Rafael dos SantosRafael dos Santos (2.11) Ridin' SoloRidin' Solo 46.00 CMMC
eventRound-3 - Chase OutlawChase Outlaw (3.24) Chateau Montelena's Montana JacketChateau Montelena's Montana Jacket 43.75 JWH6
eventRound-3 - Wyatt RogersWyatt Rogers (2.99) CenterfoldCenterfold 42.75 BSPF
eventRound-3 - Aaron WilliamsAaron Williams (2.07) Cool WhipCool Whip 42.50 HPCW
eventRound-3 - Dawson BrantonDawson Branton (1.79) Top DollarTop Dollar 44.75 LW2
eventRound-3 - Guilherme ValleirasGuilherme Valleiras (5.45) Mr. Right NowMr. Right Now 44.25 S7H
eventRound-3 - Zane CookZane Cook (2.33) Dennis The MenaceDennis The Menace 45.25 VIDW